Gut-Brain News

  • “If microbes are controlling the brain, then microbes are controlling everything.” –John Cryan. What are psychobiotics? Despite their somewhat sinister-sounding name, psychobiotics are probiotics and prebiotics that can lift your mood and decrease anxiety. The word was coined by Psychiatrist and researcher Dr.…

  • “A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.”–Aesop. Ah, the holidays are upon us! Such a relaxing and carefree time. We get to spend some quality time with our creepy uncle and mischievous cousins. Okay,…

  • “Wisdom is wasted on the old, and youth is wasted on the young.” ― George Bernard Shaw. The gut-brain connection is a story that just keeps giving. The idea that gut microbes could affect your mood and cognition is startling and potentially very…

  • “Microbes may have influenced the evolution of the social brain and behavior as a means to propagate their own genetic material.” —John Cryan. Do our gut microbes make us party animals? It sounds preposterous, but nothing beats socializing when it…