Unending Fear and the Gut-Brain Axis
A mouse study finds a remarkable microbial connection to fear.
A new study in Nature finds that gut microbes are essential for extinguishing the fear response in mice. This may help clinicians devise strategies for people with anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The study is the latest in a continuing exploration of the mechanics of the gut-brain axis.
We’ve come a long way since the introduction of the germ theory of disease. Today we realize that most of the bacteria in our lives are there for our benefit, not out to kill us. More amazingly, these tiny bacteria can alter our behavior, affect brain development, and change our moods. A truly radical new field of study revolves around the gut-brain axis, and it has made a major mark in all the fields involved, from microbiology to neurology and psychology, with side trips through endocrinology, immunology, and gastroenterology.
The research has shown conclusively that a balanced and diverse gut microbiota can improve our mood and reduce anxiety. But how do you balance your gut microbiota? The best plan is to eat loads of veggies and fruit. If you find it hard to get enough veggies and fruit into your diet, don’t despair. You can try prebiotic flavonoid extracts, like those in Clarity Prebiotic Blend. They can improve the resilience of your gut, and help you deal with the often fearsome vagaries of life.
Read more about the connection between fear and the microbiota here.